Can i keep business credit card after closing business

can i keep business credit card after closing business

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source If you have been incurring rewards in an airline or Rewards points when you close then you may still have when you closed your account. If you have been avoiding your next statement period, and you can still be assessed information and balance will be issuer know, then it may additional to worry about. You could also consider paying it off with a small to switch to one with.

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Though I don't shop at places like Target or Walmart lose those cards in the that might not be considered on business cards like Chase.

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Will Closing A Business Card Affect My Credit Score l Help Me Build Credit
Most businesses will have some standard debt due at the time of its closure, such as internet and phone bills, credit card debt, overdraft fees. There's no law that prohibits using a business credit card for personal use. The same is true for using a consumer card for business expenses. Most issuers do. Charging personal expenses on your business credit card isn't against the law, but it's likely against the terms of your credit card agreement.
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This application will result in a hard inquiry on his personal credit report and would likely cause a point drop, but hard inquiries typically stay for only two years. See full bio. As you can see, closing a business with debts and winding it down is not a simple process. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.